Cobas b 221 user manual
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Meaning: Important, see the cobas b 221 system Instructions for Use. Roche Diagnostics Service Manual · Version 9.0. May 2009 A-5 1 Safety information cobas b cbas b 221 system Instructins fr Use COBAS, COBAS B and LIFE NEEDS ANSWERS are trademarks f Rche Rche Diagnstics Rche Diagnstics GmbH D Mannheim GermanyRoche - Cobas B 221The cobas b 221 system offers fast determination of 17 of the most important critical-care blood parameters., The analyzer's analytical Roche Diagnostics Instructions for Use · Revision 10.0 April 2009 1 cobas b 221 system Brands COBAS, COBAS B, LIFE NEEDS ANSWERS, ROCHE OMNI, AUTOQC, The cobas b 221 system is a quick and reliable blood gas and electrolyte analyzer which measures 18 key critical care parameters. cobas b 221 POC system - 4. Flexibility • ill port enhances operator safety by automatic aspiration or F manual injection of patient samples into the system cobas b 221 system In the course of 2006 the Roche OMNI S system was rebranded under the Roche Diagnostics professional IVD user brand cobas. Systems with a
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