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INSTRUCTIONS 084R9974 084R9974 EKC 102A (115 V) tamb = 0 - +55°C 115 V a.c. 50/60 Hz 1.0 VA RI8KJ35J 08-2010 Type: Pt 1000 (1000 ? /0°C ) / Ptc 1000 (1000 ? Make any necessary changes in the respective parameters. English Codes. Normal operation. Temperature (set point). ---. -50°C. 50°C. 2°C. Thermostat. Danfoss EKC 102B, EKC 102C Installation guide. INSTRUCTIONS 084R9966 084R9966 tamb = 0 - +55°C 230 V a.c. 50/60 Hz 1.5 VA Type: Pt 1000 (1000 ? /0°C ) / Ptc AK-XM 102A/B .. defined parameters to provide suitable documentary evidence set-point temperature control with a tolerance of less than ±1 °C,.Manual. User guide. ADAP-KOOL® Refrigeration control systems AK-XM 101, 102, 103, 107, AK-CM 102 +/- 0.5°C between -50°C and +50°C. EKC 102C. Controller with two relay outputs, extra temperature sensor and digital input. Relay output 2 can be used for electric defrost or for an alarm. REFRIGERATION AIR CONDITIONING DIVISION Temperature controller EKC 102 MAKING sensor (version 102B+102D) • Door function with alarm monitoring • Manual EKC 102 controllers for panel mounting are used for temperature and defrost Sensors: Danfoss Pt1000, PTC1000 or NTC5000 temperature or as product sensor
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